The goal of my site is to share photo based artwork that I have created and find enjoyable, as well as share my thoughts, perceptions, and humor. And I’ll occasionally blow off steam. I will always try to keep it entertaining. I am a scientist and freethinker by training and philosophy, a lover of the natural world, and an advocate of the sciences. All of these come together in my photography and my writing. My photography is focused (pun intended) on nature based subjects for the most part. I then often take these photographs and gently tweak them in effort to capture your imagination.

In my writings I may on occasion tread on slippery turf as I defend a position I feel strongly about, and/or opine on a subject that perhaps you don’t agree. That’s ok (with me anyway). It would be a very boring world if we all had the same views and opinions. As fair warning, I enjoy writing, I enjoy photography and I enjoy whisky. Sometimes I combined them, with mixed results. My photographs and blogs will attempt to explore the world as I interpret it, with a combination of reflections (some from a shallow pond), views, and my understanding of natural history. I hope you enjoy my interpretations as much as I enjoy the journeys.
