Greetings from John’s Cabin, and welcome to my website!
The goal of my site is to share photo based artwork that I have created and find enjoyable, as well as share my thoughts, perceptions, and humor.
Dennis Greaney – Photographer of the Mundane
As discussed before, one of the real kicks I get out of attending art shows is talking to the people who take time out of their lives to stop by and look at my work. Frankly, as Springsteen would write, ‘But mama, that’s where the fun is.’ And you really met all kinds...
The Tale of two Egrets
Nature photographers are driven by the challenge of capturing the natural world in a photograph combined with the satisfaction of producing and displaying the piece. In addition, often the photographer (speaking for me anyway) has a very personal connection with the...
The People You Meet (My Peoples)
I sell my work both online and at select art shows. While the art shows are a lot of work, and I'm aging by the minute, I really enjoy interacting with those who stop in and want to talk. First, if they bother to stop and look and talk, they obviously saw something...
Greetings and Welcome from Key West!
After more years of visiting Key West than I wish to recognize, Marilyn and I moved to Old Town, settling into an 1890 cigar maker's home, not far from the city cemetery. After years of renovation, still ongoing, (the termites were winning), we are near complete. It...
The Problem with Photography I
I love photography, and have since I was a small kid (many years ago). A backstory. My dad was a Boy Scout Leader for many years. (Troop 25, Belleville Illinois). Because he was the scout leader, and my mom really liked getting rid of me for a couple hours every week,...
The Story of Irish Red
My birth name, Dennis Greaney, isn’t a common name by any stretch of the imagination. If you were search it on the internet (I just did), you’d find somewhere around 150 across the country. And based on the listing five of the 150 are me, listing various locations...